Tuesday, May 19, 2009

More Leaves


Come back with me
into the rainforest garden
there are more leaves
and treasures to see




Baby epiphytic Elkhorn

Tree fern


Leafy beauty



  1. They're all so beautiful and so exotic! I only recognize Anthurium.

  2. this could be my garden. i have so many similar plants...

  3. Polly and Priya -

    I love this contrast...

    Polly says they are unknown and Priya says they are familiar...

    Happy days to you both

  4. yeeeeaaah,all of my favorites,I try to grow this kind of exotixs on my Dutch balkony or in my room.Some they survived,like me,some could not make it,:O(.I love to walk with you,ciao,light and happynes to you.

  5. Ferns are always ...relaxing for me.

  6. Aleks...

    I hope that you can get some of them to grow on the balcony, if not keep walking with me and I'll share mine with you...

    Happy days

  7. Sarah,
    they are always so alive with green aren't they, and feminine in their habit...

    Happy relaxing days Sarah

  8. Delwyn..my compliments on the pictures you are doing something different or was it "that " time of the day when light is at its best?..well done!


  9. Mona,
    they are from the same batch of photos I took of leaves and posted a selection once before. It had rained so the plants were very 'alive' and clear and I was trying different angles with the sun...
    thanks for noticing

    Happy days

  10. It must be so nourishing to walk in that sacred place. The earth is full of magic.

  11. What a paradise! Thank you so much for posting such stunning photos. I always envy people (just a bit!) who live in such beautiful places.

    Thank you so much for your thoughtful comments on my recent blog post! We do seem to have much in common. I know people can't comment on everything I post, and it doesn't bother me (too much!). Like everyone else, I also find it difficult to find enough time to visit every blog I'd like to visit, really read the post closely, and comment thoughtfully. I do try to drop in to as many as possible, whenever possible. Some great, profound and beautiful posts won't get the attention they might deserve, but everyone is so busy. We all just do the best we can.

    I've attempted to start a blog with a more environmental focus, and found that all my research was falling on deaf ears, so I'm still finding my niche with that particular blog. At this point, my research has informned me, but no one else seems interested. I'm not giving up, though!

    I am so very glad I found your beautiful blog!

  12. Oooh, such a beautiful post and blog!! I have two Anthuriums (I call them my little penis plants---Tee Hee), but haven't had much luck with Bromeliads, which I killed. I love leaves, too, and am always reminded of a poem by Robert Frost, "Leaves Compared With Flowers" when I see posts about leaves. The last two stanzas are:

    "I bade men tell me which in brief,
    Which is fairer, flower or leaf.
    They did not have the wit to say,
    Leaves by night and flowers by day.

    Leaves and bark, leaves and bark,
    To lean against and hear in the dark.
    Petals I may have once pursued.
    Leaves are all my darker mood."

    Have a wonderful day and thanks for stopping by my place! Blessings and Love from Louisiana---

  13. What a great post, and a poem from Frost from Louisiana in a commentary. What a banquet of sights and sounds.

  14. I love leaves because of the sense of growth evoked by the color green. And green is right in the middle of the color spectrum--hot below, cool above--and so green is serene and restful. The delicate, lacy quality of the fern is so beautiful. I notice some pretty pinks, too, that when coupled with green make the heart chakra, love, compassion. I enjoyed everyone's comments: it's fun, isn't it? Happy days, Margaret

  15. Lush, exuberant, rich. Those were the first three words that popped into my head when I entered your blog tonight. How beautiful! Many thanks.

    Greetings from London.

  16. When I see leaves, I feel so grateful for them. When I *see* leaves, I realise that I'm actually looking at the exterior surfaces of my very own lungs.

    Without leaves, we'd have no life, no need of our lungs. Our lungs take in the oxygen that leaves put into the air for us to breathe.

  17. Thank you so much for this beautiful post...I feel like I have been able to breathe some really fresh air!

    I love ferns too!

  18. Meri,
    you are right. I always feel refreshed and invigorated after a walk in nature.

    Happy days

  19. Hi Angela,
    thanks for your added comments and compliments. I love to show you around the beautiful places in my corner of the world and also enjoy forging new friendships. The blog needs to adapt and grow as we express ourselves and play with our creativity.

    Happy Days

  20. Marion,

    Welcome to the place of Leaves and Nature's Treasure!
    Thank you for visiting and for the most apt Frost poem. I love the way these comments become an organic kind of chat place where the original topic grows and broadens.

    Bromeliads will only flower once then they shoot a baby, or more, off to the side . If you cut the baby off and replant it she will flower in time. I have a 'Bromeliad Hospital' in the corner of my garden where I do all the surgery and replanting and waiting...and then one day...wonders of wonders I find a new flower...

    Thank you so much for your much appreciated comments

    Happy Days

  21. Hello Margaret,

    thanks for adding your interesting comments. I like the way that you have reminded us about the feelings evoked through colour and colour combinations. The pinks with the greens do create a gentle softness in a sea of calm.

    Happy Days to you too...

  22. Hi Mr C,

    Isn't it great that a picture of a leaf or two can create a feeling or a mood and take us to quite another place...
    Ah, the inimitable power of nature...

    Happy Days

  23. Alden,

    Hmmmm breathe deeply...

    Happy Days

  24. Dan,
    Hello fellow leaf person

    We need to remind ourselves of that two way relationship don't we... another great way to feel thankful and increase our gratitude and therefore 'well being' quotient.

    Happy Days

  25. Tulsa,
    You are welcome to come here and breathe deeply any time. I am sure that seeing the images or visualising the forest can have a beneficial effect on the body, mind and spirit.

    Happy Days

  26. Rosaria,

    Isn't it wonderful what emerges from a simple post...poetry, deep breathing, calm, friendships, sharing...
    all due to the beautiful and humble leaf...

    Happy Days

  27. To all My Fellow Followers and Commenters:

    Thank you for taking the time to write,

    This has been a great sharing,
    thank you all for your generous contributions,
    we have much in common and also much diversity
    we can learn from each other,
    we can share with each other
    we can build new friendships
    we can bring each other beauty, joy and warmth

    Thank you

    and to you all ...

    Happy Days

  28. Well, better late than never, I guess... one feels an incredible sense of peace and harmony here, even from far, far away... Thank you Delwyn for helping us slow down for a minute of quiet Meditation on natural wonders...

  29. Owen,
    It's never too late to come to a Leaf Party...

    I'm glad that after looking at these images you can take away that feeling with you.

    Thanks for sharing your thoughts with me... I appreciate your comments.

    Happy Days

  30. Lizzy,
    How are things in Texas?

    We are very green at present - one foot of rain fell yesterday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Happy Days

  31. Oh those tree ferns are a sight! We don't get those in Europe. I remember driving through the Black Spur forest in Victoria. The tree ferns were giants.


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