Tuesday, November 1, 2011

From Sunshine Beach

Dull and cloudy but warm today

I left from Sunshine Beach village
and walked the high tide mark
until I reached the headland

then climbed up the dunes
and entered the windswept wallum

gnarly and bedraggled
but as I slipped over the high dunes 

I entered a sanctum
the path was wet and soft
from last night's rain

the roar of the ocean subsided
and the forest stood still
I too stood still and watched
looking above me
in the eucalypts and melaleucas

I see a native orchid flowering

and another

I observe the tangles

of interwoven branches

The hanging nest of leaves
which is a spider's web

It is silent
no birdsong
I wait 
and wait
like the web
stillness hangs in the air

so I move along
deeper into the bush
where the wallum is more protected
from the coastal winds

a tree of blossoming tiny white bellflowers

drops a carpet over the sandy track

and I take a path 
winding further into the forest 

still listening for birdsong
I hear wrens and sweet singing
and above the canopy
I hear the wail of the black cockatoo

crossing the little bridge 
I climb higher into banksia country

and stop to note the colours 
on the forest floor

the rust of old banksia flowers

and the greens of mossy growths

the texture of the knobbly banksia trunks
and begin to make my way into low wallum

where the banksias are more stunted varieties

mindful of anything buzzing
I know the march flies are out today
and they nip

I catch the silhouette 
of a tiny splendid blue wren
with a bug in his mouth
and listen to his family calling him
in such a gentle sweet song

near my exit I stop to look 
at the bent flower stem of the grass tree

as it begins to flower
attracting little native bees

to do their work

in this beautiful and tranquil environment 

Oh Peaceful Day...


  1. Glad to walk down that gnarly path with you this morning, Delwyn. Quite different than my walks in some ways...no wild orchids or banksia flowers here, but I do have areas of tangled vines and branches. Fallen brown leaves carpet my path instead of white petals and most insects have gone to rest. A spider's hanging nest of leaves is new to me, but my favorite little wrens are always outside my door! Enjoyed the walk!

  2. it's a beautiful world, is it not? Thanks for this lovely peaceful walk.

  3. So many beautiful plants and creatures to take in on your coastal walk...that spider's nest is so unique. I love the bellflowers; do they have a perfume?

  4. Hi Alaiane
    I think the tree with the little bellflowers is a Blueberry Ash...I didn't notice any perfume as I stood under it.

  5. Hi,Delwyn.
    A variety of plants and animals in your photos are very beautiful and interesting! It is first time for me to see most of them! Wow, the tangled tree has a long long life! ?
    It is a wonderful site to walk!
    Enjoy the walk!

  6. Thanks for taking me on that lovely stroll with you. My little nearby woods has a stunning tangle of ancient vines that reminds me of your tangled tree. All of these pictures, and the descriptions are wonderful.
    I wonder, did the bellflowers smell lovely? I imagine they did.

  7. Hi Delwyn,
    I came here for the first time. These photos somehow makes me feel at home. The sky, the sea, forest, trees, flowers...I love all of them,though some of the plants are quite new to me.
    I'd like to see more of your posts when I have time.
    Thank you for visiting my blog, Delwyn.


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